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Pilaf Recipes

Baked Bulgur Pilaf (Pilaf Recipes)

Banu Atabay's Fırında Bulgur Pilavı
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Baked Bulgur Pilaf

# Put the vegetable oil into a pot and make it hot over medium heat. Then add smaller veal cubes into the pot, roast it.
# When the small veal cubes give their broth and it evaporates, add finely chopped onion and seeds removed, finely sliced long green peppers.
# When the onion turns to transparent , add tomato paste and washed bulgur into the mixture. Roast until the bulgur hardens.
# Finally add the finely sliced green onions, peeled and diced tomato, salt and black pepper into the mixture and sauté the mixture for a while. Remove it from the stove.
# Pour the mixture into a medium baking tray, lay it smoothly by forcing on it by a spoon. Pour 3 cups hot water all over the mixture.
# Cover the tray by aluminium foil firmly. Place the tray into the oven which is preheated to 392 F.
# Firstly, bake the pilaf at 392 F for 20 minutes, then bake it for 15 minutes at 365 F, in total 35 minutes.
# After removing it from the oven, rest it for 20 minutes without uncovering the foil ıver the tray. Serve it hot.

Note: This pilaf is cooked in stone ovens in Anatolia.

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2 cups bulgur, for pilaf
5.3 ounces veal cubes
1 big onion
2 long green peppers
2 green onions
9 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tomato
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp salt
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