# Clean the cow
peas and wash them, and slice them into about 1 inch thickness and place them into the pot. Add water on it, until the water covers the cow
peas. Cover the lid of the pot and cook it over medium heat until the cow
peas soften.
# Then drain the cow
peas and get its water in order to use for pilaf.
# Put the
olive oil and finely diced
onion into a pot, roast it over medium heat until the
onion seems dry without burning them.
# Add the
rice, which is washed too much water and not rested in water, and finely sliced
garlic cloves into the mixture. Roast these ingredients for about 5 minutes.
# Add the drained cow
peas, and roast the mixture for a few more minutes.
# Then add salt and 2+1/2 – 3 cups of water, which you boiled cow
peas in it. (If the water is less than the given measure you can add water for adjustment.)
# Cook the pilaf over low-medium heat for 20 minutes. Cover it with paper towel and rest it for 1 hour.
# Serve it warm or cold.