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Stuffing Recipes

Stuffed Kidneys (Stuffing Recipes)

Banu Atabay's Böbrek Dolması
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Stuffed Kidneys

# At first, peel the onion, slice finely into half circles, dice the carrot, potato and tomatoes, and slice the banana pepper finely.
# Put the oil into the skillet, when it gets hot, add the onion. When the onion turns into transparent add the carrot, banana pepper, potato, tomatoes and canned green peas respectively and the 5 minute rests after adding each one.
# After adding the salt, add the mushrooms finally, cook for about 1-2 more minutes and remove from the stove. (The ingredients should be par-cooked.)
# When the cooked mixture is cooling down, place the peeled kidneys on the tray, get the fatty sides down. Cover the lid on and cook for about 15 minutes.
# Remove the extra fat of the kidneys, reverse the kidneys cover the lid on again and cook the other sides of the kidneys over medium heat for 5 more minutes.
# Drain the kidneys and place onto an oven tray with edges, get the holes of the kidneys up and stuff them.
# Place the tray into the oven which was set to 329 F, cook for 35 minutes, and remove from the oven. Sprinkle the grated kashar cheese all over, and then place the tray into the oven again and cook for 10 more minutes.
# Place the cooked stuffed kidneys on the service plate, and garnish it with the remaining stuffing.

Note: Fat of kidney is commonly used in Ottoman Cuisine but it is indigestible.

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4 calf kidneys
1 medium onion
1 medium potato
1 big carrot
3 tbsp canned green peas
6 mushrooms
2 banana peppers
2 medium tomatoes
4 tbsp corn oil
2 tsp salt

For Upper Garnish:
1+ 1/2 cup grated kashar cheese